Strategic Directions
The directions and goals summarized here are the output of a five-month, facilitated strategic planning process that began February 2013. Participants provided substantial input as a part of this process. Work groups included stakeholders from all levels of the OlyCAP agency, including: leadership, management, front-line staff, community partners, governing body representatives, families, and other stakeholders. Every work-group recommendation is not specifically listed within these goals, however, the goals reflect all the comments, priorities, and concerns shared during the planning process.
The core focus of the OlyCAP 2013-16 Strategic Plan is to connect, integrate, and align all agency systems, services, departments, community partners, and resources to achieve more effective program planning, development, implementation, operation and quality assurance.
The strategic plan is the first stage of a multi-tier process that connects planning with implementation and monitoring. As a framework, the plan’s broad goals will be operationalized to include attainable outcomes and an implementation timetable. Below are the strategic directions, goals, and objectives focusing on the remainder of 2013 through the 2016 program year.

Standards of Excellence
Goal: To create and maintain a standard of excellence within the overall organization by continuously improving management systems, quality, effectiveness, proactive planning, responsiveness, and flexibility based on comprehensive quality assurance standards, planning, monitoring, and evaluation.

Integrated Services Delivery
Goal: To create an enhanced integrated service delivery model that meets the needs and expectations of families, significantly exceeds minimum standards, and provides a seamless services delivery plan that serves as a “road map” for staff and key stakeholders.

Improving Financial Position
Goal: To create fiscal stability by effectively utilizing current fiscal resources, and by increasing or creating additional revenue streams and resources, and by continuing to develop shared responsibility, strengthening ethical standards and accounting practices to effectively manage all assets and resources.

Awareness, Community Partnerships and Alliances
Goal: To create a public relations campaign to expand public awareness, to identify and sustain viable partnerships and alliances, and to foster strong networks of relationships with internal and external partners that result in a culture of commitment and excellence.

Information Technology (IT)
Goal: To develop and maintain informational technology systems that support data collection, information-sharing, and communication needs of the agency, internally and with its partners, and to close the gaps in the existing infrastructure related to hardware, software, training and support.